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National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions

Dynamic ParticipationThe program recognizes the impact of active patient participation in the development of a patient-centered program of care and encourages individuals to participate and play a proactive role in wellness systems. The value would be to get people involved in important decisions. The National Strategic Framework for Chronic Diseases includes provisions for tailored objectives and the creation of intensive care plans. Proper management is a crucial part of patient-centred treatment and contributes to effective medical care (Lim & Kurniasanti, 2015). In addition, there should be a discussion on the protocols that would be put in place to involve participants. The ultimate goal of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Disease strategy is to help all Australians live healthier lives by effectively treating and preventing chronic diseases. The program is a comprehensive national chronic disease policy that sets out several guidelines and expectations, hence the name the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Disease. The framework also avoids a difficult discussion about the impact of rising health care costs out of pocket, euphemistically referring to “barriers to the costs associated with treating one or more chronic diseases, multiple drug therapies, and access to a range of health services, including those for which there are few or no discounts.” The program also brings together the use of innovative technological measures for skilled workers to improve clinical outcomes. Research has identified medical and social influences and specific factors associated with morbid and comorbid diseases that lead to diseases in indigenous and minority communities. However, to achieve the goals, support for education and access to treatment facilities in remote areas needs to be improved. Therefore, the adoption of the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Diseases would help reduce the risk of disease in the long term. Overall, the framework appears to focus much more on the health sector than on how other sectors could contribute to it, although, as Margaret Chan noted, the roots of chronic disease tend to lie in non-health sectors.

A National Strategic Framework for Chronic Diseases is being developed by the Department of Health as a comprehensive policy for chronic disease prevention and management in Australia. It provides advice for the development and implementation of strategies, strategies, measures and services to treat chronic disease and improve health outcomes. The National Strategic Framework on Chronic Diseases also recognized the need for health care and medical education and awareness through evidence-based strategies and creative approaches to screening. While access to health awareness helps people understand and grasp appropriate medical knowledge to make informed decisions, an evidence-based public health system uses an evaluation study that promotes the success of health strategies (Bröder et al., 2017). Under the auspices of the Advisory Council of Australian Ministers of Health, the Australian Government, in partnership with states and territories, has developed the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Diseases. It is the Global Chronic Disease Strategy Paper that sets out the directions and outcomes to achieve the vision that “all Australians live healthier lives through effective prevention and treatment of chronic diseases”. Engagement and governanceThe mainly affected communities are generally characterized by their geodemographic and socio-economic variables and therefore have an increased risk of developing a long-term disease. For this reason, the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Disease is considered essential because it aims to provide the highest quality and most reliable medicare facilities that help meet the diverse needs of the target community. Recognition of urgent health risks to the community is crucial for the collective assessment of resources and helps to recognize aspects of medical care and other inequalities. Therefore, this plan has been properly formulated and will lead to a culturally attractive offer of treatment facilities. Continuing Care and Program Stability The National Strategic Framework for Chronic Disease focuses on quality of care and aims to ensure consistent and reliable access to a variety of medical facilities for all facilities.
